Lions and Tigers and Berries, oh my!

Day 107 – 8/7/13 – 27.8 mi (1919.1)

Today was a rough day for me. I just wasn’t feeling 100%. It was hot, the trail went over a lot of pointless ups and downs, and we’re all kinda soft from the flatness of Wyoming. I also face planted twice.

But it wasn’t all bad. We walked a lot of nice ridgeline, with Montana to the north and Idaho to the south. We stopped at a stream for water and found someone else had been walking on the bridge before us.

Also during this stop, we found a very unafraid frog. Sweetfish fed it several moths as we all watched. This was a great way to kill five minutes.

Right around lunchtime, we came upon a patch of raspberries and thimbleberries. We stopped at a really awkward spot on the trail for lunch so we could pick a bunch. Later in the afternoon we found some huckleberries or blueberries (I can’t tell the difference) too!

In the afternoon the trail went through a burn area and was difficult to follow. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little easier.
