Darby Double 0

Day 120 – 8/20/13 – 0 mi (2163.8)

I forgot to mention that yesterday Sweetfish hitched to the next town over, Hamilton, to go to the gear shop and came back with a rental car. I probably forgot because we’ve come to find this kind of thing completely normal for Sweetfish. Anyway, we all took a trip to Hamilton midday to do our resupply shopping there since they have much bigger supermarkets with better selection and prices. We also came back with a DVD player from a pawn shop so we could watch a movie in our cabin tonight.

After we got back to Darby, Sweetfish took Burly Whites to Missoula, where he could catch a bus to Butte to take his flight back to Ohio for his sister’s wedding this weekend. He will return next week and join us wherever we are on trail and then make up his missed section after we reach Canada.

The rest of the day was calm and relaxing, and we did fit in a movie in the evening. I also got caught up on a bunch of very important internet tasks. From my blog app, I can see certain stats about my site. My favorite of these is a list of the search terms that led people to my site. It’s usually things like “drop n roll CDT” or “2013 CDT journal”. But occasionally there are random gems such yesterday’s “pooping in the cirque of the towers?” I feel great pride that I am a search result for defecating in a beautiful Wind River Range feature.