Buried Treasure!

Day 67 – 6/28/13 – 18.4 mi (1136.8)

The hiking was nice and fast today, leaving us plenty of time for a resupply in Fraser and assorted shenanigans.

Ninja and Sweetfish were leading the pack today, and when I arrived at Berthoud Pass, around 2:30pm, I found Ninja with a shovel, digging behind the outhouse. You see, a few weeks ago, our 2011 PCT pals Twiggy and Spoc told us they’d buried treasure for us here back in May when they were passing through. I didn’t witness Ninja asking the construction worker for the shovel, but I did see the confused looks by everyone as, lo and behold, Ninja unearthed 4 triple bagged ziplocks of goodies. We are now prepared with plenty of props for silly and Patriotic photos and over caffeinated. Most creative trail magic ever!!




We hitched into town and got some groceries for the next 55 miles to Grand Lake. Rockin’, Silly Chili, and Sweetfish all decided to stay in town for the night. The remaining 4 of us stuck our thumbs out. I’m pretty certain it was the shiny red, white and blue head tassels that caught the attention of the pickup truck that stopped for us. I’m pretty certain they didn’t have time to count how many of us were standing there. It was 3 dudes and a dog in the cab and a pretty packed bed. And then there were 7 people and a dog in the cab. Anyway, the guys were great fun. We played a great game of 20 questions on the ride, and when we got to the pass, we invited them to partake in the beer we packed out…in the lobby of the outhouse, of course. And they accepted, of course. Best hitch ever!

We crossed the highway to camp just out of site, and watched a fantastic lightning show from our sleeping bags – cowboying, of course.


The Daily Ninjup Report
Not just Ninjups today, high-five Ninjups! Performed with one of our hitch guys, Peaches, in the outhouse lobby.
