Yellow Rock Revisited

Day 30 – 4/12/16
24.2 map / 25.7 GPS miles
467.5 / 508.8 miles total

So. Tired. Not sure why today was so taxing for me, probably just the cumulative effects of the hike. We finished walking down the lovely Hackberry Canyon this morning, reaching Cottonwood Creek. 


morning in Hackberry Canyon
Hackberry Canyon
We decided to take the alternate route over Yellow Rock to reach the Paria rather than stay along river bottom. Mom, this is the rock I tried to drag you to 3 years ago. The initial trail was steeper than I remembered it being. Sorry for giving you a hard time. 

climbing up to Yellow Rock
first glimpse at Yellow Rock

We took an early lunch to dry out our gear while admiring the swirls of the Yellow Rock. There was amazingly pretty good trail dropping down the west side to the Paria River. 


yard sale


collared lizard
dropping down to the Paria
Shortly after reaching the river, we saw the glint of a silver umbrella. Joey! We caught up to him a little while later when he stopped for water. Turns out we were only ever about an hour behind him. 

Bubs and the Paria

We slogged up the Paria, crossing the muddy waters dozens of times as we walked the banks. The canyon itself was super colorful and beautiful. We reached a side canyon with clear water to camp. 

always wet feet on this trail
hiking with Joey again

7 Comments to “Yellow Rock Revisited”

  1. Dori Hoch

    Ah, yes, I do remember Yellow Rock and my refusal to hike to it after that last steep climb. Made for a great story for my writers’ group though. Nice collared lizard picture!

  2. Ninja

    Following your thru-hike blog-style for the first time! Love the pictures and seeing what the Hayduke is about. Sounds quite brutal however–so much cold! so much wet feet! so much heavy pack! Keep staying positive and having fun whenever possible.

    1. dropnroll Author

      Aww! Thanks! I’d like to say we wish you were here, but I kinda think you’d hate this trail, what with the whole desert thing and all.

      1. Ninja

        As much as I’d love to be thru-hiking right now, I think you’re right. I’d love to do the Timberline Trail someday though!

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