Nipple Ranch

Day 36 – 4/18/16
11.8 map / 11.6 GPS miles
558.2 / 600.3 miles total

Town day, again! We had an easy morning, all on dirt roads, with not much excitement other than a few entertaining signs. 

sadly, both nipples were not on our route
“not a road to Bryce Canyon”, haha!

We emerged at the busy highway, and were trying to decide where the best spot on the road was to hitch from. And would you believe a vehicle drove past us, turned around and came back and offered us a ride all the way into Kanab, our destination 30 miles away. We never even got to stick our thumbs out!  

In town we were good and ate lunch from our still plentiful trail food bags before hitting up be grocery store to resupply for the next leg. This is the first stop Bubs and I didn’t mail/cache ourselves food. 

We found a little cabin to rent for the night and spent the afternoon on the porch drying gear, repackaging food and eating 2lb of strawberries and a can of whipped cream. It was great. 

But as great as all this town hopping has been, we’re also excited for the upcoming long stretches of being outside. It’ll likely be ~12 days before we see cell service again at the south rim of the Grand Canyon, with maybe a quick pop-out in between to Jacob Lake for milkshakes when Joey hitches there to pick up a resupply package. 

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