Tomlike Mountain


Planning to go day hiking, but with no real plan, Goodness and I ended up at the Herman Creek Trailhead.  We weren’t really planning on going so far, but the appeal of Tomlike won out.  We were just up at Wahtum Lake and nearby Chinidere Mountain last weekend but didn’t make it over to Tomlike, which is only a ~6 mile roundtrip hike from Wahtum.  We went for the ~24 mile version instead.

Much of this hike was over 4000′ in elevation. It should all be covered in snow right now.  There was absolutely none to be seen.  While it’s great fun to be able to get out in February, it’s going to be a different story come fire season.

Herman Creek Trail
Herman Creek Trail
Up the ridge to Tomlike
Up the ridge to Tomlike
Mt Adams
Mt Adams
Descending Tomlike's ridge. Mt Hood hiding in the clouds.
Descending Tomlike’s ridge. Mt Hood hiding in the clouds.
Hobbit forest (probably not what it's really called) on Tomlike
Hobbit forest (probably not what it’s really called) on Tomlike

Benson Plateau on the PCT
Benson Plateau on the PCT

3 Comments to “Tomlike Mountain”

  1. Warren

    Looks quite beautiful and that’s a full DAY hike for sure! -Wow, no snow. We got snow here in SoCal last night and I can see lots and lots of it from where I live in Coastal Orange County. Boy did/do we need it.

  2. letshike2

    What a stark reality your pics and words reflect. It is crazy how the snow was record levels in 2011 but has went bone dry since. Between the droughts, extreme fires and the record number of people being drawn to the trails from movie productions I sometimes have a fear the PCT will be a shell of it’s former self before I get there. I hope not though! Great post, Happy Trails!

    1. dropnroll Author

      It does seem really crazy. The PCT is of course changing, but I think it will remain an incredible trail for a long time to come. Marmot had a really good way of looking at it, to the effect of being grateful to experience the trail as is “now” – whenever that “now” happens to be for you. Of course she put it a lot more eloquently, but I really like the sentiment. 🙂

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