Bocce in the Basin

Day 85 – 7/16/13 – 29.8 mi (1490.1)

Oh the blisters! Oh the butt chafe! Oh the… bocce ball?

The siesta crew got in sometime after 10pm last night, but all rallied to leave about 6:30 this morning. It was more dirt road walking all morning, with long stretches of annoying loose sand. We got to a water source for morning break. The water tasted awful, like eggs, but making the break much better was the bocce ball set inside the barrel containing the valve for the water. We played 3 quick rounds with teams LoveNote and Silly Chili, Ninja and Rockin, and Stryder and myself. Ninja and Rockin squeaked out the win. The sagebrush on the course really added to the excitement.


Skipping the game, Sweetfish did his usual disppearing act, somehow hitching off a deserted road to a nearby town for lunch. The rest of us continued on to a nice spring with actual trees for a shady lunch. LoveNote, Stryder, Rockin and Silly Chili opted again for the siesta to wait out the heat of the day. Ninja and I kept it to a 2 hour lunch and went on. Sweetfish caught up to us late in the afternoon and announced his intention to night hike and get to Lander tomorrow…that’s about 50 miles away.

The siesta crew has a nice night with a bright half moon and will probably roll in after 10pm again. That schedule doesn’t work for me. I’m no good at napping, and I need a full night’s sleep to function well, both on and off trail. I’m going to bed!