Wolf Creek Pass

Day 40 – 6/1/13 – 8.7 mi (714.1)

We made pretty good time this morning, with a fair bit of dry trail and the snow patches hard enough to walk on without postholing. The final few miles we walked the ridge line along the top of Wolf Creek ski area.

Beacon was to the rescue once again, waiting for us at Wolf Creek Pass and gave us a ride into Pagosa Springs.

He showed us around town and dropped us off at the hiker motel, the Pinewood Inn, where we scored an awesome room with 2 full beds, a sleeper sofa, and a kitchenette – enough room for our crew plus Ninja and Sweetfish, who got into town just a couple hours later. You may be wondering what kind of establishments we stay in. I think this photo from our bathroom tells a lot.

No, it’s not a Hilton, but it’s clean enough, the price is right, and the owners are very accommodating to us hikers, even letting us do our laundry in their machines which are not normally for guest use.

Beacon shuttled us to the grocery store, 5 miles away on the other end of town. I did a few other town chores, like finding new gloves since I lost one of my mittens yesterday, drying out my shoes, and drinking beer. Tomorrow is a zero day!