Pagosa Springs

Day 41 – 6/2/13 – 0 mi (714.1)

We made breakfast! Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns with cheese, salsa, and orange juice.


The rest of the day we lazed about and snacked. LoveNote, Stryder, Ninja and I had a great time thrift store shopping, the fruits of which will be revealed at a later time.

Bloodbath (PCT 2011) and Rampage got into town, as well as Wired’s friend Rockin’ and her son Silly Chili. Wired will be leaving with them tomorrow and hiking together for a while.

This evening, a large group of us went to the Overlook, one of the hot springs in town. There were a bunch of pools including a rooftop tub with a cool view of town and the expensive fancy hot springs across the street.

It’s very late now, but we do plan on leaving for the trail early tomorrow morning. Well, early-ish.

The Daily Ninjup Report
And we’re back! Here’s the update for the past few days. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Ninja did her push-ups in Chama. On Thursday, she wimped out and didn’t do them because it was too damn cold. You know, frozen shoes and such. On Friday, Ninja did 7 at morning break. Yesterday, she did almost forgot, but got them in just in time at 11:55pm. Today, Ninja diligently did her push-ups before going to the hot springs.