Twin Lakes

Day 58 – 6/19/13 – 6 mi (1007.9)

We only had about 3 miles, by way of a shortcut, to get to the general store in Twin Lakes. The shortcut involved crossing the inlet to the lake, which we discovered was flowing quite well when we got there. I opted to walk west to a bridge instead. It looked only about a mile away on the map. It was actually about 2 miles, followed by another 2 miles east on the highway. The others found a good crossing and made it to the store well before I did, though Stryder ended up with a wet pack. Since I wasn’t there to witness it, I will save him the embarrassment of sharing how it happened.

Once at Twin Lakes, LoveNote got in touch with her friend and hitched to Aspen to meet up for lunch. The rest of us decided to head to Leadville for the day. I really needed the nero to get through my packages that were waiting for me at the store, because HOLY COOKIES!! In addition to my resupply I received 3 giant boxes of cookies and other fun things. I feel so blessed to have such wondeful friends and family. The cookies are all awesome and the other goodies will be revealed in time!

Ninja, Stryder, and I got a great hitch to Leadville with a young man who had previously hiked the Colorado Trail. We ended up hanging out and having lunch with him in Leadville. I love that thru hiking has led me to a lifestyle where I meet so many cool people I never would have otherwise encountered.

We are stayting with Sherpa, Sweetfish’s best pal from the AT, and his wife who have a great little house in Leadville. They are really great to host all of us with practically no notice, and on Sherpa’s birthday no less.

LoveNote ended up hitching over to join us by late afternoon, Sweetfish returned from his slackpack, and the gang was reunited. While a bunch of folks played disc golf, LoveNote and I drank moonshine at the local distillery. A great impromptu day!

The Daily Ninjup Report