The Pope Fell Off

Day 27 – 5/19/13 – 13.7 mi (507.4)

The morning started with a steep climb up to a mesa with great views.

About 2 miles before we hit the highway into Cuba, we ran into Funhog, a fellow hiker and friend of Wired who was in the area for work. She was out on a day hike but said she had a treat for us in her car a mile back. What could it be?? Apple pie! We all got out our spoons, sat in the middle of the sandy dirt road, and paused just long enough for Wired to snap this photo before devouring the whole thing.

After another 6 miles along a paved road we got into town. We got some lunch and then Wired, LoveNote, and Sweetfish checked in to the Del Prado motel. Ninja, Stryder (we just found out today he spells it with a y!) and I got picked up by my cousin, Lisa, to go spend the night at her home in Corrales, about an hour car ride away.

Corrales was a dramatic change of scenery, with lush green trees and orchards. Lisa and her husband Gary have a petting zoo! Ok, the 5 cattle, 4 cats, 3 horses, 2 dogs, and donkey are just pets. Look how cute!

We arrived to a big plate of chocolate chip cookies Lisa made this morning. We got cleaned up, relaxed and visited the rest of the day. Lisa made green chile chicken enchiladas for dinner. It was amazing!

I’m going to blame the town food coma for me being a jerk and not getting a photo with Lisa. Anyway, it was great to visit with her and very kind of her to fetch, host and feed us! Thanks Lisa!

The Daily Ninjup Report
She definitely did them, but we can’t remember when, where, or how many.

2 Comments to “The Pope Fell Off”

    1. Drop N Roll Author

      Beginning with this post, I’m now using the best esoteric and out of context quote of the day as the title of the day’s post.

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