Snoqualmie Pass

Day 139 – 9/13/11 – 18 miles (2402)

At my usual breakfast time, it was still too dark to see into my food bag, boo! There were a lot of patches of low clouds and dew soaked brush to walk through, but not a bad walk into Snoqualmie Pass. Really wanting showers, we abandoned our original in and out plan and got a hotel room. This also meant lunch and dinner at the Pancake House. Perhaps the highlight of our stay was finding a stick of deodorant in the hiker box. We now all smell like Old Spice.

Snoqualmie Pass is the only stop in Washington where we did not mail ourselves a resupply, leaving us to find 75 miles worth of groceries at a Chevron. I’ll be eating a lot of candy bars the next few days.


Hiker packages in the freezer at the Chevron