Southbounders Abound

Day 99 – 7/30/13 – 25.1 mi (1758.7)

We had a slow morning due to detours and distractions. First was a side trip to the falls on Buffalo Creek. They were really cool! The cliff walls on the sides of the river narrowed down to a dramatic slot, just a few feet apart. A brave, or foolish, soul may have tried to jump across, but we all know our clumsiness and went back downstream to ford. After the crossing, we stopped in the sun to dry out all our wet gear.


Then we met our first southbounder! Of course we had to stop and chat for a while. We ended up meeting 3 southbounders today, all solo men spaced a few hours apart who had never met each other. They all seemed surprised to encounter such a large group of northbounders. Seven is a large group, especially for the CDT. Just a few years ago, 7 could’ve been the total number of southbounders for the season.

Since Brooks Lake, we’ve been on the “horse super-highway”. Tons of horse packers use this trail. Everyone we’ve encountered has been pleasant, but the trail is dusty from the hooves loosening up all the tread, and there is poop everywhere.

We ended the day at the “Parting of the Waters”, where Two Oceans Creek splits into two creeks. One goes to the Pacific Ocean, the other the Atlantic. As far as I know, this is the only place this happens. Pretty awesome!
