Troublesome Pass

Day 72 – 7/3/13 – 22.4 mi (1230.8)

Everything was swell for the morning. At lunch, we felt a couple raindrops, but were unconcerned and dilly dallied some more. We got Stryder to model his hair in a ponytail. This was a great way to kill 5 minutes.

After lunch we climbed a couple thousand feet up to Parkview Mountain. From the ridgeline up to the peak, I could see black clouds of impending doom to all sides. At the peak there was a small shelter, some old military radio station or something like that. Our maps note it could be an emergency shelter for 2 people. All 7 of us sat in that shelter, with its rat poop covered floors for about 2 hours waiting out the storms. Ninja read aloud from the new romance novel we picked up at the laundromat in Grand Lake: Catherine George’s “Touch Me in the Morning”. As you can see, we were quite captivated by this literary masterpiece.



Although the sky was still threatening, we decided to make a run for it about 5pm. We ended up fighting strong wind and driving rain for a out an hour until suddenly, in a period of about 5 seconds, it all cleared.


We didn’t get as far as we’d planned today, so hopefully we’ll be able to make some good miles tomorrow.