Farewell, Trees

Day 80 – 7/11/13 – 19.5 mi (1374.1)

We slept in til 7:30, a new record! LoveNote was also missing her resupply box and we went to the Post Office first thing to find them. Success for both of us! I have no idea why my box was sitting on the hiker shelf, despite being addressed to the motel, but I got it.

While we were sorting our food, Ninja and Sweetish rolled into town. They were planning on just getting their resupplies and showers and heading out later today.

Rockin’ somehow found a local outside the post office who was willing to take all 5 of us (Rockin, Silly Chili, Stryder, LoveNote and me) back to the trail and we were walking about 11am. The land has quickly changed from steep mountains to gently rolling hills over the past few days. We followed some ridges and slipped in and out of forested patches all day, dropping lower in elevation. Tomorrow we’ll be fully out of the mountains and into high desert, walking endless miles on shadeless dirt roads.



We walked later in the evening today, something I’ve really been enjoying lately. My hiking group on the PCT was very regimented and did not believe in walking past 6:30pm, which I’m realizing is a shame. The temperatures are pleasant for walking and that special evening light gives everything a magical glow.
