
Day 56 – 6/17/13 – 27 mi (975.8)

I’m a little stressed out this leg. We need to make certain daily mileages to hit our next resupply in time, and yesterday we fell a bit short, which to me means pushing harder the next day. The group mentality is to get however far we get, and maintain usual breaks and stop/start times and not worry. Frankly, their lack of any sense of urgency at any time can be very frustrating for me. I’m trying to be more relaxed and go with the flow, but sometimes putting so much energy into being something I’m inherently not is exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, I love my companions dearly. Being with others constantly for so long just inevitably leads to some tensions.

In the end, we did make good mileage today. We followed a combination of old railroad bed (Mr. Altland, it was the Alpine Tunnel), dirt roads, and trail. It was a lot of up and down. I wish we’d more frequently just get up and stay high like on the PCT.

The Daily Ninjup Report