More crossing the Gila

Day 13 – 5/5/13 – 21.7 mi (222.2)

Yeah, the Gila is beautiful, but after crossing it over 80 times today, I’ve about had enough! The walking on land between river crossings is easy enough, but it’s very tiring to keep splashing through water and getting your feet wet and full of mud and sand.

Wired and I saw a bear today. It was quite skittish, just the way we like them.

When the end of the day came, we had trouble finding a suitable campsite. Some chose to stay, others to go on. I’m camped tonight with Love Note (Liz), R. Dirty (we’ve renamed Strider), Sweetfsh, Peru, and Radar. Sweetfish noticed an abundance of bear scat near our site, so as night fell we scrambled to hang our food from trees. I’m a bad camper and have never hung food before, so it was a good learning experience if nothing else.

The Daily Ninjup Report
Seven Ninjups completed.