Ahhhh! Quicksand!!!

Day 25 – 5/17/13 – 23.4 mi (467.1)

Something you’re never warned about when preparing for a hike is just how much time you waste filtering water. The spring we reached this morning was off trail and down a canyon. I still had enough leftover that I didn’t need to go down, but it took the group about an hour.

The morning’s walk was boring. After lunch we dropped off the mesa and reached our second spring, Ojo Frio. Get your filters out boys and girls! We wasted over an hour at this spot too.


Something we were warned about on our maps was quicksand. The note reads, “There’s a report of quicksand somewhere on this map…I won’t say where exactly, because that kind of thing is a lot more exciting to discover by accident. Ahhhh! Quicksand!!!” Sadly, or gladly, we didn’t find any.

The day’s reward finally came at the end when we walked into an awesome valley. The expansive landscape is one that just can’t be captured in a photo.

We had hoped to hit 25 miles today, but it was getting late and when we got up to a flat topped finger with great views of the canyon, decided to call it camp.

Love Note has a real knack for finding things that are out of place and discovered a bunch of pieces of pottery around our camping area.

The Daily Ninjup Report
Put off until dusk, but 10 push-ups completed.
