100 down

Day 6 – 4/28/13 – 18.3mi (103)

We took our time packing up and eating the hotel continental breakfast this morning and finally hit the road about 9:15am. There were 3 miles of road walking out of Lordsburg before once again following signposts across dusty desert floor and playing barbed wire fence limbo for over 10 miles.

It was hot and the late start was probably not the wisest. We rigged up some shade again for lunch, as there was none to be found for the first 15 miles today.

Following a dirt road through a bunch of hills we found a few tanks and windmills and the first trees of the trail!

We stocked up on some good water at the first windmill (Engineer Windmill), and are now camped at Co-op Windmill, which also has good water, along with Strider and Mark.