Shop N Kart

Day 110 – 8/15/11 – 4 miles (1731)

Oops. We intended to get out of town this morning, but with UPS and USPS not opening until 9 am, it was already a lost cause. We stopped at the Bi-Mart to get Heet (stove fuel) and made a quick trip into the Shop-n-Kart next door, just to check if they had any PowerBar Fruit Smoothies bars. What a wonderfully granola store. I saw more dreads in that place than in all of California. Yet, it was surprisngly inexpensive, and an hour later we were all walking out with shopping bags full of bars we didn’t need but couldn’t pass up due to the great price and selection. Since we already had all our food purchased and boxed for all of Oregon, we mailed the new goodies ahead to Cascade Locks, where we will redistribute it into food drops for Washington.
After such delays, we decided to just embrace the lateness: lunch at Wendy’s and a matinee showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II.
It was 6pm when we finally got back to the trail, but we did get back, and that seems like enough of an accomplishment for the day.