
Day 68 – 7/4/11 – 6 miles (942)

We got up early to walk the 6 miles into Tuolumne Meadows to catch the 9:00am bus to Yosemite Valley. Turns out the bus doesn’t come until 10:15, so we tried hit hitching in the meantime. Ninja, Roadrunner and I scored an awesome hitch with a young man who not only went out of his way to take us all the way into the valley, but also bought us lunch!

We ate some more food, then managed to get permits for climbing half dome for tomorrow. We spent the afternoon playing tourists, viewing Yosemite Falls, resupplying in the store (Tuolumne store is still closed) and setting up camp at the walk-in backpacker camp.
For supper, we made the mistake of discovering the buffet a Curry Village. For once I was not alone in feeling sick after a town meal.