Falls Creek

Day 72 – 7/8/11 – 16 miles (990*)

Miles came hard again today. Lots of snow and obscured trail. Then we came to Wilma lake. We got to the end where we were supposed to cross the outlet only to find the lake blend seemlessly into a raging river. Thankfully Goose spotted the actual trail, a foot underwater.

‘Fording’ Lake Wilma

Now we still had to cross the Falls Creek which merged with the lake outlet. Since the trail follows the river on the other side for several miles, we are following it upstream to find an easier ford. We got past the Tilden Creek tributary*** (itself having a few tributaries) at the end of the day. Hopefully tomorrow we’ll find a place to cross the main river.

*I’m calling it 990, even though we’re in the wrong side if the river**
**yeah, I’m calling it a river, this ‘creek’ nomenclature is a crock
***that had better have been Tilden, I will be very upset if it was just some unnamed, unmapped river