Memorial Day

Day 33 – 5/30/11 – 0 miles (478)
So the plan was to sleep in, relax a bit, and head back to the trail in the afternoon and put in maybe 10 miles. Then we found out the Andersons were planning on deep frying turkeys. Obviously, we had to stay.

It was nice to get a true zero day, with no chores or errands to be worrying about. Then again, I have a hard time sitting still not doing anything, so by midday I was getting antsy. I walked 1.5 miles round trip to a gas station where I purchased a hot pocket and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Magic Brownies. I ate all of it without even a pause.

The evening was filled with musical entertainment around a fire. I even got to perform the Marines Hymn on coronet. Overall a good fun filled day. Many thanks to the Andersons!
